Unbeatable as regards the political sphere, the French Republic and its institutions,

“Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats has an experienced public law team advising both public institutions and key corporate clients. The law firm offers notable expertise in the negotiation and execution of government contracts.“ (Chambers 2022)

Lawyer at the Paris Bar (2000), Marion Delaigue is Partner – Public Business Law practice since 2015.

Marion was awarded the decoration of Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite in 2019 by the French Minister of Economy and Finances (Bruno Le Maire)
Marion Delaigue intervenes in French public business law and French general administrative law.
Her practice includes in particular public contract law, development and town planning law, domain and ground law, institutional and communities (collectivités) law and, public competition law. She assists public and private clients in counselling and litigation
Marion has drawn from her multiple experiences in a Ministerial cabinet, as elected official and within companies, a global, operational and pragmatic approach for her counselling duties, while remaining attentive to the various stakeholders and to their constraints, for the purpose of serving the client’s projects.

Marion has practiced in a capacity as lawyer at the Law Firm Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats from 2000 to 2004. She was then asked to join the ministerial cabinet of Dominique de Villepin, the French Internal Affairs Minister, who she then assisted, when he became Prime Minister, at the Matignon Palace, in a capacity as technical counsellor in charge of parliamentary affairs, all of which while being simultaneously deputy Mayor of the 16th arrondissement of Paris. Marion then integrated the LVMH group where she was then entrusted with the administrative monitoring of the Fondation Louis Vuitton pour la Création project.

Marion re-joined the Paris Bar in 2013 in a capacity as counsel lawyer at the law firm Earth Avocats prior to joining Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats in September 2015 in a capacity as Partner of the Public Law practice.




• Public business law
• General administrative law
• Public contract law
• Development and town planning law
• Public real property and complex arrangements
• Domain and ground law
• Institutional and local communities (collectivités locales) law
• Ethics and conflicts of interests, public criminal law


• Institute of Political Studies in Paris
• Master’s degree in Private Law with a distinction in business law (University Paris I – Sorbonne)
• Postgraduate degree (DESS) in French national, international and European litigation (University Paris V – René Descartes)
• Auditor at L’institut d’Etudes des Métropoles (IHEDM) – 2021


• French
• English


• Member of Sciences Po alumni
• Reference Partner associated to Fédération des EPL (Federation of Local Public Enterprises)
• Member of Acteurs du Grand Paris


• Administrative Law – Sciences Po Paris law school


• Une société ‘sans intérêt’ sert-elle l’intérêt général ? – Club des Juristes, April 2021
• Conférence LWA Décryptages « Acteurs publics, Entreprises liées aux règles de la commande publique ou Organismes non lucratifs : quels sont les risques et les opportunités d’une activité économique ? » (avril 2021)
• Assiette foncière et division primaire : la fin de l’incertitude, Dossier droit public environnement urbanisme – Village de la justice, janvier 2021
• Concurrence de avocats et commande publique, nouvelles règles du jeu ? Dalloz avocats, February 2019
• Code de la commande publique, une opportunité pour la QPC ? Cahier de droits de l’entreprise, December 2019
• La mise en concurrence des sous-contrats contractés par les SEMOP: une exonération possible mais sous conditions, Moniteur Juris, Contrats Publics, January 2018
• Les conditions de recours à une concession provisoire strictement encadrées par le juge administratif, Contrats Publics, Moniteur Juris, September 2018
• Institut de la gestion déléguée, partenariats public-privé: recueil des textes et de la jurisprudence applicable aux collectivités locales, 2006
• Institut de la Gestion déléguée, sous la direction de Claude Babusiaux, Vice-Président de la Cour des comptes: quelle compétition pour l’amélioration du service public, 2004