Marion Delaigue and Amélie d’Heilly are elected on the board of governance

The reference Business Law Firm, LWA, announces the election of Marion Delaigue, Partner in Public Law, and Amélie d’Heilly, Partner in Labour Law, in their capacity as members of the Management Committee.

Continuing the development of LWA as a reference Business Law Firm: a high standard counselling ambition in a firm with a human dimension, best in class in all its areas, with an identical level of concern for its clients, its team members and its trademark.

Amélie d’Heilly, Marion Delaigue

Marion and Amélie will focus on leading the development projects of the firm in line with the recognition gained by the law firm on the market over the past 25 years.

This evolution in Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats’ governance is set in the framework of a dynamic strategy and constant synergies among the Law Firm and its clients and business partners, while maintaining an identity based on strong values of humanity, excellency and respect to consolidate its positioning as a reference player on the French market of business law firms. This duo, which relies on an identical positive energy dedicated to the collective interest as well as the strengths originating from two distinct professional careers provides the guarantee of renewed dynamism in a context of important economical and generational mutations. In connection with all the other partners, their ambition is to emphasize the value of the assets of the firm and ensure a permanent positioning in strategic and growth sectors (in particular topics regarding sustainable development, mutations of the working environment, new approaches to finance…)

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