LWA a l’honneur dans Le Guide Chambers 2022

Le guide Chambers vient de publier son classement 2022 Europe.

Félicitations aux Associés et toute l’équipe :

  • LWA Corporate (Christian WOlfrom, Hervé Castelnau, Pierre Lafarge, Thibaut Kazémi)
  • LWA Public (Marion Delaigue, Térence cabot, Jean Latournerie)

Merci à nos clients pour leur confiance et leurs témoignages :

« Jean has a very good knowledge of administrative law with a clear vision of the chances of success of cases. »

“Latournerie Wolfrom Avocats has an experienced public law team advising both public institutions and key corporate clients. The law firm offers notable expertise in the negotiation and execution of government contracts.« 

« The firm is highly skilled in the coordination of multi-jurisdictional transactions, with assertive, efficient, having finesse and creativity lawyers to be , with real technical experience and a deep understanding of our business. »

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